Thursday, 3 July 2008

I'm excited by the possibilities

I went to my first Post Peak Oil meeting last night and it has literally changed my perspective on how I view this challenge we all face.

Before the talk I was very pessimistic about what society as a whole would do; would it come down to us all embracing a survivalist mentality? Not a pleasant scenario to think about when you have five children.

The presenters showed me a different slant on things though; let's get things happening at a local level, get to know your local community and neighbours, start building ties, sharing knowledge and getting the word out there.

After the presentation I was chatting to a few people and as a result I am going to take some wormwood cuttings for one couple and pot up a spare ice cream bean plant for another.

This is what it's about isn't it, sharing skills, knowledge and being open to helping people who would like to know more.

It was lovely to meet all of you last night :)


naturewitch said...

so glad you are getting to meet some like-minded people in your area xx

Cwm Goch Chronicles said...

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I wanted to go - saw the post and thought is a great idea but our elder munchkin has just come out of hospital and definitely needed Mum this week. Please let us know if there is another meeting planned. :)