Sunday 28 February 2010

Confronted by my consumerist shadow (Dec 21st 2008)

The Husband bought me a Wii Fit for Xmas.

Yes, you read correctly. I'll give you a little pause on the page to stop laughing.

Composed yourself yet? Well he was given strict instructions that I had no interest in a WF and it should be returned to the shop ASAP.

So, his next brilliant idea was to take me out to HN's yesterday to look at a Kenwood Chef. Some of you know that I have had Bimby envy in a serious way for a couple of years but have finally realised that a Thermomix just wouldn't fit into my way of cooking. Most of our foods are stirfried Chinese style meals and we just don't do sauces.

The next big decision for me was choosing between a Kitchen Aid and a Kenwood Chef. I still haven't made the final decision, but yesterday The Husband just wanted to get me something to let him off the Xmas hook. HN's have a deal on atm; the flashiest latest KC with the food processor attachment and the liquidiser chucked in for a spiffy $899 (with $100 off!). Hmmmmmm, The Crone was in consumer heaven. Looked at the brochure, checked out all the bits and pieces, The Husband got the Salesman to grab a carton from the storeroom.

Phone numbers were given for the store database, hand on wallet and The Crone quietly says


Yes readers, I stopped the sale. Why? Because I have a food processor, a liquidiser and a breadmachine at home. They are all in good working order and have helped me make passable meals for the last however many years. For about half an hour I was sucked into the "We have the money, let's just spend it on something you don't need to buy just yet"

I think I gave The Husband the best Xmas present ever; $899 still sitting in our bank account :)

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