Sunday 28 February 2010

My New Years Resolution Challenge (Jan 2 2009)

I want to set myself a goal of achieving one frugal thing per day. Whether it is re-covering chairs instead of buying new ones, re-fashioning clothes, knitting dishcloths or figuring out ways to save more money, I want to do one thing per day.

You see I want to pay off the variable part of our mortgage in five years. Currently it stands at $67, 720. This goal is very important to me as being mortgage free will lift a huge burden from The Husband's shoulders. It is also part of my major plan to be as self sufficient as possible as soon as possible.

While the Tots are all still little, I choose to stay at home with them which of course means that I'm not bringing in an income. My way of contributing to the family finances is to stop the small leaks happening from the bank account.

We have always lived frugally and I find it both exciting and challenging to 'make things do' Time to step up the plan of action! I will be attempting to add another page to this blog where I can write lists and show my progress. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

The Crone at Wits End said...

9 Responses to “My New Years Resolution Challenge”
1.dixiebelle Says:

January 2nd, 2009 at 2:24 am e

Good luck!!

I find being frugal way more satisfying than indulging, shopping or treating myself all the time!! It’s a great challenge and I hope more people will take it on!

2.Susana Says:

January 2nd, 2009 at 3:28 am e

Good resolutions, and they shouldn’t be too hard for you to achieve. Looking forward to you sharing your progress throughout the year!

3.Kristen Says:

January 2nd, 2009 at 5:23 am e

Fantastic resolution! If anybody can do it, you can!
4.Cat Says:

January 2nd, 2009 at 6:35 am e

I’m going through selling all my stuff I dont use on Ebay. Again. It can be a great hobby earner.
And as you have kids, you can teach the older ones how to list, and offer them a cut as pocket money, AND you wont have to do all the grunt work! I’ll be training the kids as soon as they can write, lol.
You really would be suprised at what people would pay for stuff you would throw out.
All of my half assed attempts as ebay have netted me probably just under $10,000 (over a couple of years). It depends on how motivated I am as to how often I list stuff.

5.molly Says:

January 2nd, 2009 at 7:24 am e

Inside that tiny frame is a tiger, if anyone can do it you can woman!
6.Sue Says:

January 2nd, 2009 at 8:01 pm e

How about running comp for good frugal living ideas….prize a neck rub or something equally cheap????
Remember when a national mag ran such a comp and the winners washed and dried their dental floss? I was horrified at the time but now it makes sense

I’ve been knitting lovely dishcloths after joining “” and quickly knit such sweet little shrugs for my granddaughters(aged 4 and 5) for very little(Spotlight sale)…they’d look gorgeous on yr tots in their white dresses…will email you the link.

Cheers and happy days,

7.nathalie Says:

January 3rd, 2009 at 4:59 am e

What a great goal Crone. Good luck
8.naturewitch Says:

January 3rd, 2009 at 7:44 am e

Hey Crone
What a terrific idea! We could all do “frugal posts” each week or fortnight to share what we are doing. Sometimes things are staring us in the face and we can’t see an obvious choice that would help reduce our debt rather than adding to it. xx

9.Sue Says:

January 3rd, 2009 at 6:31 pm e

So will start the ball rolling by suggesting you check yr insurance policies….get new quotes or as in our case pay annually instead of monthly and save $86 on a $346 account!

Good Luck every-one,