Friday, 2 December 2011

Going Private

I've wanted to crank up my blog for months now but something has always held me back;  new baby, lack of time, life in general.  I've been clogging up my facebook pages with links and thoughts and musings because it's relatively 'safe' but it's also a huge time sink for me.

So I'm going to try to 'publish' all of my links and thoughts here on my blog once more but have this time made it private so that the greater world isn't right in my lounge room, so to speak.  Hopefully this will also allow me to free up a huge chunk of time and get back to the things that are important to me;

My family
My garden
Our health
Our financial/debt health.

My biggest gripe about my use of the internet has been that it has kept me isolated, all the while making me believe that I'm actually staying in touch.  This hasn't been helpful for my mental health post birthing and I've found myself spiralling down.  My garden has also suffered terribly over the last two years so now it's time to pull my sodding finger out and get things happening again.

My huge lightbulb moment was this morning in the shower talking to myself

"Lara, why do you use the dishwasher now?"
"To save me time"
"To do what?"
"Surf the net and learn how to save time/money"
"So you're spending money (electricity, water etc) to learn how to save electricity and water?"
"Ummmm, yeah"


Oh and before I sign off,  here's my biggest time sink!


Kimberley said...

A very cute and worthy time sink though :)
I'm having similar epiphanies about the internet...
I'm glad you're posting again though, very glad :)

karen said...

There are time sinks and then there are worthwhile time sinks :) Glad you're back xx

Anonymous said...

Soooooooo good to see you back. I too realised a few years ago that far from connecting ppl the net can be isolating, so I allow myself 30 mins before bed IF and only if I don't have anything else to do:)
Talked to Cat a while back, we will all have to get together once the silly season is over, I miss you mad lot:P

Cathode said...

Oh honey I hear you. I too use the net as a way to feel like I am staying in touch with people, when in fact I am isolated as hell.

I am glad you are back on blogger though :)