Wednesday, 10 October 2012

The tastiest bean dish ever!

Yesterday I cooked an amazing dish.  No modesty allowed here because honestly, everyone in the family ate this and loved it.  I couldn't believe just how simple it was despite having three steps to it.  Basically it is blackeyed beans cooked with sliced chorizo, onions, peppers and dressed with some wine vinegar and parsley, topped with pan fried fish and oven roasted potatoes.  If you have the beans and potatoes precooked in the fridge it literally takes only 30 minutes.  I love how delicious simple Portuguese food is.  Oh and Miss Boo (age 6) helped to make it, that's how simple it was.

I'm sure that I've mentioned that I've been getting up in the morning at 4am so that I can get some quiet "Me" time?  It started because the Wee Man drags me to bed almost as soon as he's finished his dinner at 7pm.  That's it, my evenings end when the bees go to bed!  After weeks of waking up at 4am and trying to get back to sleep I decided to stop stressing about it and just get up and start my day. This morning's routine has been;
Beans soaked
Water kefir nourished
Start the preps for the night's dinner
Waste some time on FB (cutting back on that!)
Another dishcloth knitted while watching Rick Stein on iview.
On my second pot of Honey Vanilla tea *rants and wails about no longer being able to drink coffee* while I write this and contemplate scrubbing my floors.

I've also toyed with the idea of going to an early morning yoga class.  Let's just say that it's been put back into the toy box for now :p

1 comment:

Leah said...

My first thought was yummmm, chorizo. Then 4am? You've got to be joking. But reading on, it makes sense. Quiet time is essential - even if it means being up that early :)