I feel at least eighty today and I must look four hundred and two.
I have weeded beds, planted more strawberries and bush cucumbers (trying again with seedlings as the last lot fried alongside the melons and pumpkins). Swept the paved area and meditated on what would grow well there in pots.
One of the Crone's cronies posted an "are you ready for school on Monday?" thread, forcing me to remove my head from the sand and start sewing pillows, pillow bag with drawstring and a workbag (must be 50cm x 50cm!).
Now sewing is a challenge for me. I can do it when I have too but I find that I am a 'creative' sort. You know, the sort who likes to make things up as they go along and hates following instructions. Anyway at least they will stay together for the first day of school!
The tadpoles are still alive and all of them now have legs. They also have a new friend!
I dragged The Husband to the garden centre to look for shade cloth, poly pipe and star pickets (as per The Scarecrow's instructions). Couldn't find any of those things so I allowed myself to be distracted by the bush cucumbers.
Now remember my spider phobia? I picked up a nice healthy well water punnet of said cucumbers and saw movement. As I was about to scream blue bloody murder and throw the punnet away, Miss G yelled
"A frog! a frog!"
A teeny tiny little green and yellow spotty frog was clinging to the leaves. We did the right thing and asked if we could take Fergus home, so we now have four tadpoles and one adult frog living in our garden.
I am also attempting the sourdough starter goop tonight;
1 cup flour
2 cups water
Mix well and leave to get nice and bubbly (or in my case, put it in the back of the fridge for a couple of weeks and forget about it!)
Ohhhh and before I go, I was watering my herb bed this evening and discovered the ginger which I planted three weeks ago (found it shooting in the back of the cupboard!) is thriving and has put up five shoots! Can't wait to see what happens next.
1 comment:
Love the fabrics! T needs a new library bag - the Wiggles one she's had from preschool just doesn't cut it anymore - might see if I can dig up something gorgeous like you've used :)
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