I was inspired by Melissa at day to day
yesterday to finally give soap making a go.
I read the instructions, grated like mad, mixed, stirred and the end result is Oat and goat milk soap. It's delicately scented and coloured with the final bar of Dragon's blood soap from gift's that pamper.
I will let you all know how it washes up next week when it's been through it's curing period.
The next challenge on the soap front will be to make soap from the raw ingredients, not just soap flakes.
Your soaps look great! (grate?)
I made soap last year, and my biggest hint would be - find one of those stick mixers, because I stirred for at least an hour, and it was VERY tiring!
They look terrific! Little wrapped versions would make terrific gifts too - though you've probably already thought that with your 'plan ahead for christmas' wizardry!
Good for you!
Oh they look fabulous! I'm itching for mine to hurry up and cure too so we can try them out.
Leah is right - it can be tiring on the arms, but oh so worth it!
I'd probably leave your soap to cure for about three weeks before using it - the longer the better, really. The longer ot cures, the harder it is and the longer it lasts.
Congrats on yiour first batch of soap. xx
Three weeks! OMG I don't do patience well as you know NW!
You know what, I hadn't thought about Xmas gifts. I was just trying to get some nice soap for myself which wouldn't break the bank (I also had a heap of goats milk yoghourt to use up).
They look great L! I suspect you used muffin/pie dish as the mold too?? hehe That's what I did anyway. Have never taken the next step of using raw ingredients though. Let me know how you go!
Well spotted Eilleen! I also used the tupperware small flan molds. I have a thing about not baking or cooking in plastic so this is the perfect way to use the silicone baking stuff that I was going to turf.
Hey, good thought on the silicon moulds - I have a couple I don't really want to use, as well. Well, now they'll be soap moulds.
I tend to save any plastic containers that might otherwise be thrown away, eg, butter or camembert containers, even individual yoghurt containers - I have some I've been using for years - you can use them again and again (which is good as we aren't really buying these products much anymore).
Also, 1L milk cartons can be filled with the liquid soap (milled, as you have done). Leave for a few days, then rip off the carton (it's hard to get the soap out in one piece otherwise) and slice into bars.
If you don't have any of these, just ask a couple of people who do use them to wash them and save them for you - it won't take long to amass a stash.
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