Be careful about the routines you start with your kids, they just may stick!
About six weeks ago I decided that I wanted to spend some 'one on one' time with each of the Chirpies. As I spend most of my time in the kitchen, it made sense to make this happen there. So I ran an idea by them; How about they choose a recipe to cook with me and one day a week, we cook together.
Since that day they have totally embraced cooking and yesterday, after they had their own little group meeting, they asked me if they can start cooking every day. Being a wee bit of a control freak in the kitchen (hearing my eldest girl 'snort' very loudly if she reads this) it's been really hard stepping back as the girls learn the different skills that they are acquiring.
What hasn't been hard though is seeing them blossom with pride as they present their meals. Watching them try new things and really experiment. Spending time with each of them and sharing my love of cooking with them.
So if you have 6, 8 or 9 year olds and are struggling at times to connect with them (let's be honest here, some days I feel like I've birthed triffids; sent to consume and overrun me!) maybe ask if they'd like to do some cooking with you each week <3 p="p">3>
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